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    电影 不可能小姐



    • 片名:不可能小姐
    • 状态:已完结
    • 主演:Léna Magnien/帕特里西亚·玛佐/菲利普·杜克斯纳/凯瑟琳·海格/Alex Lutz/
    • 导演:埃米莉·德勒兹/
    • 年份:2016
    • 地区:法国
    • 类型:剧情/
    • 时长:内详
    • 上映:未知
    • 语言:法语
    • 更新:2024-09-22 21:01
    • 简介:“Sophie is good at school and Mum's thrilled. Jessica has her boyfriend and, anyway, she’s Jessica. Me I dunno. A void. I suck.”  They’re all nuts. Her parents, who want to send her off to boarding school. Her new teacher, who expects her to read impossibly old books. Her fellow band members, who make her sing ridiculous lyrics and dress her up in a frilly white dress for their first show. Everyone seems to know what she should do and how she should act. And it’s not like 13-year-old Aurore has any fundamental problem with changing herself either. Who would want to be like this unhappy, ugly and emotionally withdrawn But the others don’t seem all that much happier to her either. She definitely doesn’t ever want to be as old, rundown and lonely as her mother. And so she prefers to stay the way she is, to observe and make her biting comments on whatever comes her way. berlinale 2016
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    “Sophie is good at school and Mum's thrilled. Jessica has her boyfriend and, anyway, she’s Jessica. Me I dunno. A void. I suck.”  They’re all nuts. Her parents, who want to send her off to boarding school. Her new teacher, who expects her to read impossibly old books. Her fellow band members, who make her sing ridiculous lyrics and dress her up in a frilly white dress for their first show. Everyone seems to know what she should do and how she should act. And it’s not like 13-year-old Aurore has any fundamental problem with changing herself either. Who would want to be like this unhappy, ugly and emotionally withdrawn But the others don’t seem all that much happier to her either. She definitely doesn’t ever want to be as old, rundown and lonely as her mother. And so she prefers to stay the way she is, to observe and make her biting comments on whatever comes her way. berlinale 2016


    • HD
      4.0 西恩·潘/泰伊·谢里丹/格本加·阿金纳格贝/迈克尔·皮特/凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿/迈克·泰森/Raquel Nave/卡莉·瑞斯/Ramon Aleman/Jagan Badvel/Shelly Burrell/George W. Contreras/Jamie Cooper/Jagruti Deshmukh/Daniel Foote/唐娜·格雷塞纳/德卡特·詹姆斯/Tanzeel Kayani/Charisse Matthews/Alisa Mironova/
    • HD
      1.0 宗峰岩/张子健/田乐/宁文彤/
    • HD
      6.0 帕普丽卡·斯汀/拉尔斯·博格曼/Joachim Fjelstrup/Sonja Oppenhagen/
    • HD
      10.0 安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅/Denis Donskoy/Sergey Dvoynikov/菲利普·德亚奇科夫/Olga Fedotova/波琳娜·古赫曼/Olga Gulevich/Irina Ilin/Arseniy Korotkov/Sergey Kuznetsov/伊里斯·伊万诺娃/Aleksey Maksimenkov/亚历山大·米泽夫/Ilya Pavlov/Valentina Roslavtseva/Maksim Saprykin/Valeriy Stepanov/马克西姆·苏卡诺夫/Konstant/
    • HD
      5.0 比嘉爱未/三浦翔平/三浦友和/石野真子/浅利阳介/小手伸也/山崎静代/松冈依都美/田中要次/デヴィスカルノ/内海崇/菊田円/
    • HD
      9.0 阿德里亚娜·奥佐雷斯/玛丽亚·巴斯克斯/Miguel ángel González/Aimar Vega/Pep Muoz/Camille Figuereo/David Aguilar/Laura Gaja/Júlia Morella/Jordi Rodríguez/Titán/罗克·赫德森/吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达/Marta Fons/Jesús Prieto Ortiz/Carme Vilar/
    • HD
      7.0 反町隆史/松岛菜菜子/冈崎纱绘/小手伸也/八木莉可子/畑芽育/日向亘/铃木浩介/池内博之/山崎裕太/洼冢洋介/德山秀典/小栗旬/藤木直人/
    • HD
      3.0 Ilmur María Arnarsdóttir/艾琳·佩特斯多蒂/Stefanía Berndsen/Jónas Alfree Birkisson/Valur Freyr Einarsson/Arnar Dan Kristjánsson/
    • HD
      7.0 达米安·勃纳尔///柴崎幸///西岛秀俊///青木崇高///马修·阿马立克///格莱戈尔·科林///苏莱曼·达兹///维玛拉·庞斯/
    • HD高清
      10.0 勝新太郎//中村玉緒//近藤美恵子/
    • 已完结
      7.0 凯瑞·豪根·西德尼斯/Siri Skjeggedal/Leonard Valestrand Eike/Ida Leonora Valestrand Eike/Bartek Kaminski/Charlotte Frogner/乔恩·奥伊登/托拜厄斯·桑特尔曼/斯荣德·福斯·奥瓦格/Jan Martin Johnsen/Kris Olsen/Jonas Urstad/莱拉·古蒂/卡里·西蒙森/Kristin Grue/
    • HD
      8.0 姜栋元/朴正民/车胜元/金新绿/陈善圭/郑成日/
    • HD
      1.0 埃莉萨·祖卢塔/弗兰切斯卡·勒温/马尔西亚·塔格莱/Pablo Macaya/Carlos Donoso/加布里埃尔·卡尼亚斯/加布里埃尔·乌尔苏亚/
    • HD
      8.0 海伦娜·泽格尔/杰里米·西多/塞尔吉奥·萨托里奥/莎宾·蒂莫提欧/罗密欧·布拉加/Philipp Lavra/Iwinaiwa Assurini/Kamya Assurini/Joao Vitor Xavante Limpeza/Pira Assurini/Ham Luciano/
    • HD
      5.0 韩金明///刘钇彤///孙玮///邢瀚卿///马聪/
    • HD
      4.0 向理来/Taisei/Takuya Matsumoto/Shun Yuki/
    • HD
      1.0 新垣结衣/早濑憩/夏帆/小宫山莉渚/濑户康史/
    • HD
      3.0 杰西卡·查斯坦/彼得·萨斯加德/布鲁基·汀伯/罗斯·布罗达尔/乔西·查尔斯/杰克森·多尔夫曼/戴维斯·达菲尔德/兰德·法里斯/艾尔西·费舍尔/亚历克西斯·蕾·佛伦哲/比利·格里菲斯/杰西卡·哈珀/伊丽莎白·洛雅卡诺/康拉德·朴/塔蒂亚娜·朗德罗斯/杰特·萨拉扎尔/约翰尼·沃斯泰格/托马斯·沃斯泰格/乔什·菲利普·维恩斯坦/梅里特·韦弗/
    • HD
      5.0 未知
    • HD
      2.0 陈奕鸣/孙文雪/刘牧/秦俊杰/




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